Our goal is to reach 10,000 donors during this campaign on Rabbi Shlomo Bochner’s page. Our friends and supporters at SwingIt outdoor playsets have offered to raffle off a swingset to all donors (any amount) that help reach 10,000! Drop in any donation, $1 and up and you will be entered. You can also win a trip to Europe valued at $3000. ​     When Bonei Olam’s 10,000th baby was born this past year, an incredible milestone was reached. Throughout the years, Bonei Olam founder Rabbi Shlomo Bochner has been at the side of childless couples. He has spent hours and hours guiding them, assisting them, sharing in their pain and anguish. And he’s been there to share in their moments of joy as well. Now, Bonei Olam is determined to help bring another 10,000 priceless neshamos into the world. We are asking you to join us, by becoming one of 10,000 donors. Your donation will be a tremendous chizuk to Rabbi Bochner, who has dedicated his life to this cause without taking any remuneration for his efforts.   Together, let us give chizuk to Rabbi Bochner and the Bonei Olam family, and show couples struggling with infertility that we are with them in their pain — and that we look forward to celebrating simchos together. CLICK HERE TO ENTER!
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