“It has its challenges, but really we love it,” says Fraidy Deutsch* about being one of 14 kids. “That is we did, until…” Her voice trails off. The Deutsch family* was flipped upside down recently with the diagnosis of their father, a respected Rabbi & talmid chacham. Weighed down by medical debts, the family was forced to downgrade to a one-bedroom apartment. Each night, roll-out mattresses cover the floors of the shabby living room. Their father continues his Torah study & teaching despite being violently ill. Other members of the beis midrash were alarmed when the rabbi lost consciousness mid-shiur.  Rav Avigdor Nebenzahl, who knows the family personally, released a powerful video address asking the public to help the Deutsches. Money is being urgently collected to pay for Rabbi Deutsch’s treatments, as well as an apartment with enough room to house the family properly, rent, and groceries.  It is clear from Rav Nebenzahl’s tone that there are lives on the line. CLICK HERE TO HELP *Details changed to protect the family’s privacy 
The post You’ve Heard Of Living Simply, But This Is Another Level appeared first on The Yeshiva World.