National Unity's Matan Kahana reportedly suggested idea at faction meeting a few weeks ago, drawing support from at least 3 MKs but objections from party chief

Likud MK Ofir Katz says issue of Haredi enlistment needs to be ‘settled’ as reports emerge of ultra-Orthodox parties pushing for pause on shakeup of judiciary

The government's protracted process is not appealing to most of the 510,000-odd Israelis who are not recognized as Jewish by the Rabbinate

Criticism of the coalition's radical policies is growing even among those who voted for it; organizers of Saturday's demos must not alienate those vital potential supporters

National security minister accuses US, other countries of hypocrisy for criticizing visit; chief rabbi says going to site 'forbidden'; opposition's Kahana gives unexpected support

The Religious Zionism leader's political ascent has been marked by extreme positions from the start. He now stands on the cusp of having the ability to realize his far-right vision

MK Matan Kahana stepped down as minister in May and ran the ministry as a deputy, but that status ran out this week, leaving interim director-general in charge

Ex-PM departs his own party in tactical move letting allies join other parties; coalition lawmakers reject Idit Silman's similar request, meaning she must now quit Knesset to run

Yamina lawmaker moving to Gantz's party also reportedly wanted commitment that Shaked would oppose Netanyahu being first in any potential rotation deal, which she also rejected

Editor David Horovitz ponders Israel's political log jam & diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman brings us tales from Ukraine's frontlines, plus Rushdie and the nuclear deal
