Offenders face fines and up to a year in prison; other states expected to follow; Jewish groups welcome development

Passersby angered by outfit accost protester; state lawmaker compares premier to Hitler; civil rights group leader slams 'ugly tactics' of those who oppose vaccination

Royal Melbourne Hospital 'working to rectify this situation,' as footage from Jewish engagement party that violated Australia's virus orders sparks antisemitic backlash

Anti-Defamation Commission says sale of cigarette box, decanter and other objects purportedly owned by the Nazi dictator 'tramples on the memory of the victims of the Holocaust'

National Socialist Network urges its followers to sleep with Jewish women; group's leader posts graphic showing Jewish leader in a gas chamber

Hosting company says 'World Truth Historical Revisionism' domain 'violated our terms of service' for hosting Nazi-themed beauty contest

Anti-Defamation Commission urges to take down World Truth Historical Revisionism website calling it 'an incitement to murder'