Lars Vilks, 75, who received death threats for drawing the Prophet with a dog’s body, was reported killed when a truck hit the car he was traveling in with 2 police escorts

Westergaard's drawings of the Muslim prophet sparked protests and outrage and a 2012 reprint by Charlied Hebdo culminated in a massacre that left 12 people dead in Paris

Instructor in town of Batley suspended, school apologizes, while protesters demand he be fired; student-led petition defending teacher garners thousands of signatures

Shireen Mazari later deletes tweet, says she was misled by article that said only Muslim children in France would receive ID numbers

Two 18-year-old men, 17-year-old girl indicted for criminal terrorist conspiracy after last month's murder of Samuel Paty; 3 other teenagers charged for showing support for killing

After Macron defends right to caricature Muhammad, terrorist leader Nasrallah issues warning: 'You need to think about correcting this mistake'

Demonstrators in dozens of countries express anger at French president, who is standing by right to caricature the Prophet Muhammad in wake of Islamist terror attacks

'It's not normal': Family of Brahim Issaoui, suspected of killing three in French church, express dismay; officials say he was arrested for knife crime in 2016

Police say suspects held for disorderly conduct as French president's vow to protect the right to caricature the Prophet Muhammad continues to roil the Muslim world

President says security to be upped for schools, religious sites after attack; city's chief rabbi says synagogues, Jewish schools to remain closed on Friday
