Man detained in central city of Elad, taken for questioning over mother who was critically injured during violent protest earlier this month

Suspect from Mea Shearim in Jerusalem, where anti-police riot two weeks ago led to Mirel Dzalovsky being hospitalized, where she remains in serious but stable condition

3 members of Breaking the Silence suspected of assaulting a public official, engaging in behavior that could disrupt the peace

Man codenamed 'Husam' apprehended by Turkish police in Azaz, currently under the control of the Ankara-backed Syrian opposition, bringing number of arrests in case to 51

Golan Avitan, 54, was arrested in 2019 in a Casablanca synagogue, is suspected of involvement in a 2003 bombing that killed three bystanders

Video of the incident went viral on TikTok; suspect, 17, detained at the Qalandiya crossing after fleeing to West Bank

Suspects, whose identities are barred from publication, allegedly withheld tax totaling hundreds of millions of dollars