Eli Weinstein from New Jersey was previously imprisoned for conning clients out of $230m. before having his sentence commuted on president's penultimate day in office

US president also urges governors to extend clemency to far bigger number of people who have run afoul of state laws criminalizing pot possession

Supreme leader Khamenei 'granted pardons or commuted the sentences of 2,272 convicts' for the Eid al-Adha and Ghadir religious holidays, according to an official statement

Political consultant was recorded by Danish documentarians threatening Trump's son-in-law over nixed pardon requests on Biden's inauguration day, insisting he was 'not joking'

Shlomo, Manchita, Sakura and David given new lease on life Tuesday in pig-pardoning ceremony led by Jewish Miami mayor

More pardons (1,830), more criminal records cancelled (1,365), more elections (5), and more hours sitting in meetings to discuss forming a government (47) than his predecessors

Outgoing US president uses his powers to set free 143 people, including some whose swindles and public corruption made them unlikely candidates for executive clemency

Among Jews who made the cut were several whose crimes affected Jewish communities or who had support of Aleph Institute, an organization that works with Jews who are incarcerated

Aviem Sella one of 73 people granted clemency; 70 have sentences commuted; list doesn't include himself or family; several Jewish convicts pardoned, incl. Lakewood Ponzi schemer

Former Breitbart chief has been charged with duping thousands of investors, pocketing funds donated toward building a wall along Mexico border
