Prosecutors accuse Ilana Kovar of 'unrelenting violence' toward most of the 26 kids under her care, say she went out of her way to hurt them

Parents say cops showed footage of Ilana Kovar spanking, slapping, grabbing children by the shirt, pulling their hair, picking them up by the throat, throwing balls at their faces

Finance, economy ministers agree to raise salaries, discuss budgets to allow every worker to care for fewer children

Workers gather in city's Rabin Square, march into surrounding roads on first day of open-ended strike to force government into talks on wages, labor shortage

Carmel Mauda arrives at Neve Tirtza prison under heavy guard; parents of harmed children celebrate outside, describe struggle to rehabilitate their toddlers

Finance minister allots $32 million for shelters for battered women, programs for violent men; asserts plan to slash funds for full-time Torah students will help ultra-Orthodox

Judge says punishment for Carmel Mauda needed to be much more severe than standard set in previous cases, but rejects prosecution request for 14 years behind bars

New finance minister announces only families in which both parents work part-time are eligible for NIS 1,000 monthly benefit; Haredi MKs slam 'destructive and wicked' move

Court hands down 3.5-year sentence and orders 18-year-old Adir Ratzon pay NIS 50,000 in damages to family of Carmel Mauda

Manager of children's center says she is religious and unable to communicate with men; dad of 4-month-old says 'it really hurt me'
