Ex-premier acknowledges having performed ambiguous advisory work for Intellexa, one of the firms behind Predator, but says he recently stopped

State attorney finds former prime minister had clarified that his combative remarks referred only to actions within the law

Irish singer who died Wednesday wrote the far-right activist, who was 21 at the time, a letter after he took credit for canceling her concert in Jerusalem

The visit will take place days after a trip by Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas

Exhibit of 12 neo-pointillist portraits of prime ministers offer fresh perspectives for Israel's 75th, at Jerusalem Biennale Gallery in old Shaare Zedek building

Former prime minister says government is 'anti-Israel' and country isn't represented by current PM, state leaders should 'scorn' him

Head of the Knesset committee pushing through legislation cancels session in order to meet with president, but says he's unwilling to compromise on core parts of overhaul plan

Tel Aviv court says former premier failed to prove assertion he made in 2021 interview that Benjamin, Sara, and Yair Netanyahu were mentally ill

Amnon Sofrin, ex-head of Mossad intelligence, recalls a misguided search, an eventual realization, and the moment he told the PM that Israel faced an immediate existential threat

Former premier cites testimony by Hadas Klein, a prosecution witness in Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial, about a 'never-ending' supply of cigars, champagne to the Netanyahus
