Works by Abraham de Oliveyra, the first known licensed Jewish silversmith in London, are bought jointly by Boston's Museum of Fine Arts and NYC Jewish Museum

Self-described free-speech advocates submit 3 requests to burn religious texts in what will likely spark further global uproar after Quran was burned outside a mosque in Stockholm

Far-right leader says he plans to examine 'the macro and the micro' of Israel's economy once he enters office, but stresses that above all else he is a religious Jew

Every 7 years, the people of Israel are commanded to hear their king read from the Bible; in the absence of a monarch, thousands turn out to for a presidential reenactment

The Jewish ritual of hakhel, where men, women and children gathered in Jerusalem to hear the king read Torah passages, is still inspiring Jews across the globe to come together

With an eye on translating the entire Bible, Rabbi Sorin Rosen is taking a moment to appreciate the texts that are already changing the way Romanian Jews engage with tradition

Oxford University Press' new annotated version of the notoriously cryptic Oral Torah compendium comes steep even for an academic title, but may become more affordable in the future

In unanimous vote, rabbinical panel signs off on lightly tweaked liturgy to accommodate people who do not identify as male or female to avoid 'embarrassment and disrespect'

By Chaim Gold
A day before, it appeared that the second test in the Machzor Sheini of Daf HaYomi B’Halacha would be a routine Dirshu test despite it being a bit of a milestone. Lomdei Daf HaYomi B’Halacha were completing the laws of tzitzis and progressing to the laws of tefillin. The test in Eretz Yisroel was scheduled for this past Friday morning, 5 Iyar/May 6.

For Shmuel and Leah, a second marriage was a second chance in life.
Shmuel’s first wife had passed away tragically young, and raised three little kids on his own. Leah’s first marriage and divorce came with much pain also.
And so when they found each other, it was like everything was going to be okay. Little did they know, tragedy would strike again.
Shortly after the birth of their eighth child Meir, Leah began experiencing “strange pains.” Shortly afterward, she was diagnosed with cancer.
