News editor Luke Tress on the organizations sending demonstrators to plague the PM; US bureau chief Jacob Magid on carrots and sticks for a peace deal

Federal Nonprofit Security Grant Program used to secure Jewish institutions falls short of demand as antisemitism spikes in US, Jewish groups say

Israeli startup SuperMeat's chicken products sidestep restrictions on using parts of living animals by growing meat from egg stem cells

Decision raises standard for employers refusing to give workers a Sabbath day off to a 'substantial' hardship, putting 'real teeth into the law,' says AJC legal officer

Finance minister tells Citibank executives 'noise' over overhaul will 'settle down'; discusses banning grandchildren of Jews from immigrating to Israel in meeting with ZOA's Klein

Some mainstream organizations express outrage over deadly riot against Palestinians, refrain from direct criticism of government; Orthodox Union urges 'clear and strong leadership'

Elan Carr calls on former boss to take stand against antisemite, while Jewish human rights group says dinner akin to president meeting with the KKK

Orthodox Union-7th Day Adventist brief argues that minority faiths not marking Sabbath on Sunday are likelier to face discrimination since that's the preferred day to accommodate

Currently being trialed, device enables command center to notify congregants of possible threat, without worshipers touching electronics generally forbidden on Shabbat

Justices say Maine's denial of funds to religious schools is unconstitutional; Orthodox Union hails decision as a win 'for religious liberty and parental choice in education'
