At collection opening, NLI says it seeks to illuminate new genre of Jewish research through the ancient scrolls, shed light on mystical teachings for scholars and amateurs

In his new book 'The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery, and Magic of the Quiet Curse,' Antonio Pagliarulo gives a practical overview of one of history's most durable forces

Singer, who also uses the unofficial name 'Esther,' won't perform but will reportedly visit the graves of rabbis affiliated with the mystical Kabbalah movement

Normalization lets Israeli researchers formalize ties with Moroccan experts to investigate remnants of Jewish life - with aid of Israelis who once lived in those abandoned villages

Though nowhere near as packed - or rowdy - as a similar one in Ukraine, an off-the-beaten-path tomb is increasingly visited by supplicants who bring an air of quiet camaraderie

In his 20s, Zvi Ish-Shalom underwent a spiritual transformation rooted in Kabbalah; his new book offers an 'experiential shift in consciousness' - for Jews and non-Jews alike

In speech before parliament, Baron David Wolfson walks peers through several aspects of Jewish tradition including gematria

Hennady Korban, who was stripped of his Ukrainian citizenship last month, claims Russian president is aware of the kabbalistic hex and is making military decisions based on it

Hanoch Milvitzky, who won the 26th slot on party's electoral slate, is alleged to have convinced woman to commit perjury while serving as legal counsel of New Age religious group

Two Jerusalem teachers, Rachel Sharansky Danziger and Sarah Yehudit Schneider, speak about Passover, the seder and their approach to the Haggadah
