Missionaries said to have been on their way home from building an orphanage; US government says it's aware of the reports

Pictures show riders swinging their long reins to threaten migrants and push them back toward Mexico, some say evoking 19th-century scenes of the violence of slavery

Foreign aid pours in to help impoverished nation, with hospitals overwhelmed by thousands injured in Saturday temblor; tropical depression expected to bring heavy rains Monday

Some 1,500 buildings were destroyed and over 5,000 damaged, trapping hundreds under rubble and leaving at least 2,800 people injured

The impoverished country was struck by a similar-sized quake in 2010 that damaged much of the capital and killed an estimated 300,000

Port-au-Prince asks for forces to be sent to secure ports, airport and other strategic sites after assassination of president opens power vacuum; US already sent FBI agents

Police chief says other members of hit squad still at large, amid concerns uncertainty could spiral into violence

Many had deemed his rule illegitimate after elections delayed; interim PM announces he is in charge, urges calm, says gunmen spoke English and Spanish

Team from Sheba Medical Center partners with NJ-based Burn Advocates Network to train healthcare professionals in Hispaniola to alleviate pain, lack of mobility caused by scarring

Representatives from 9 foreign countries and NATO participate in naval exercise 'Mighty Waves 2019,' simulating aftermath of tremor