5 years after stone collapse at holy site, authorities have yet to reopen access to Wall at egalitarian section; religious activists argue delay is deliberate

Joining other international Jewish groups, Masorti-Conservative leadership comes out in favor of President Herzog's call to freeze legislation, hold dialogue on judicial reform

Channel 14 ordered to pay $46,000 to Reform, Conservative groups over refusal to give airtime to their voices, which violated the terms of its license as a Jewish tradition network

Though the Likud lawmaker doesn't identify with the progressive denomination, he has deep ties to it; as founder of a pre-army program, he's connected to a variety of Jewish groups

As Russia bombs infrastructure, attention turns away from emigration toward keeping those still there warm and fed, with electricity, clothing and Hanukkah necessities

Mercaz Olami, the Zionist umbrella arm of Conservative-Masorti Judaism, warns appointing far-right lawmaker to a cabinet post would threaten Israel-Diaspora ties

After series of disturbances, Prime Minister’s Office tells director of site to block anyone seeking to bring a ‘mehitza’ into prayer space

Youths call Jewish worshipers 'Nazis,' 'Christians' and 'animals' at egalitarian prayer space on the southern end of the Western Wall

Thousands of Ukrainian Jewish refugees have fled fighitng for German safety; local community chief says Berlin has 'taken on its historic obligations'

MK Idit Silman's remarks against compromise that would grant progressive movements greater representation at the Kotel spark criticism from Reform, Conservative Jews
