Louis-Ferdinand Celine's 'Guerre' to hit bookstores decades following his abandonment of personal papers as the Allies approached Paris during WWII

Jean-Luc Melenchon suggests murder of 4 Jews in Toulouse was 'all planned in advance' to allow some 'to point fingers at Muslims and invent a civil war'

Group calls itself 'Honor and Nation'; 3 suspects charged with forming a 'terrorist criminal association'

Demonstrations erupted in France and across the world this week as Jews protested a ruling that the murderer of a Jewish woman in 2017 will not stand trial. Is it the last straw?

Unlike the informal, stoic and often patriotic demonstrations protesting antisemitic violence until now, this week's protest had a palpable air of disillusionment and even despair

President pens letter to French counterpart thanking him for 'quick, clear response' to Jewish woman's murder, says it sends clear message that current law is deficient

20,000-strong Paris protest a rare show of raw emotion from local Jewish community over government's response to antisemitism

Combat Anti-Semitism Movement calls for global protest against 'unfathomable' French court ruling that murderer of Jewish woman not criminally responsible because he was high

Yaël Braun-Pivet from LREM centrist party of Emmanuel Macron shares Twitter post with anti-Semitic messages sent to private email

Jewish community watchdog says fellow officer likely responsible for anti-Semitic graffiti
