Zarie Sibony appears before French court, to give harrowing testimony on Amedy Coulibaly's deadly assault on kosher supermarket, as 14 on trial for aiding attack
French municipal employee tells court how he fought terrorist Amedy Coulibaly, who killed 4 Jews at supermarket following Charlie Hebdo massacre, likely sparing nearby students
Fast-rising star Freeze Corleone's debut album 'LMF' released last week contains Holocaust denial and other anti-Semitic lyrics, condemned by top French politicians
Houssame Hatri allegedly broke into home with 2 others, tortured Jewish man inside, telling him it was revenge for 'brothers in Palestine' before raping victim's girlfriend
As trial gets going, it is not clear if Hayat Boumeddiene, on the run since her partner killed a cop and four Jews in 2015 terror attacks, is dead or alive
Police search for men who allegedly assaulted painter wearing shirt with inscription of Israel and used his paint to write graffiti on a Strasbourg street
Watchdog praises police for quick arrest after August 6 incident in which 29-year-old victim was knocked unconscious while assailants allegedly called him a 'dirty Jew'
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