Trump-era official David Schenker suggests agreement lacks mechanism to ensure funds Beirut acquires from subsequent gas exploration won't reach Hezbollah

US Embassy in Rabat call trip by David Schenker to contested region 'a historic visit'

Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs David Schenker urges greater oversight to monitor trade, especially in technology that could be put to military use

American diplomat David Schenker tells Lebanese president he hopes talks are wrapped up quickly with a positive outcome

Netanyahu calls on Beirut to complete negotiations to mark sea border; Lebanon’s parliament meets with visiting US official, day after 1st round of talks

In indirect talks hosted by UN and mediated by US, delegates from two sides will sit in the same tent but reportedly not talk to each other; both say no normalization in sight

Wednesday's negotiations aimed only at solving minor border dispute to allow offshore drilling in disputed areas, Jerusalem stresses; senior official expects results within months

Assistant secretary of state does not confirm or deny reported threat by Washington to withdraw its troops and close embassy in Baghdad if violence doesn't end

Day after reporting 'incremental progress,' David Schenker says Beirut passing up 'free money' from gas exploration amid crippling economic crisis

Amid annexation talk, top Middle East diplomat says Jerusalem should not take steps that would negate parts of the Trump administration's peace plan
