Drone entrepreneur Ephraim Menashe and 9 others to be charged for a range of crimes, including carrying out missile tests near residential neighborhoods

Move comes after powerful Israeli-made surveillance tools reportedly used against journalists and activists by countries around the world under the guise of fighting terror, crimes

Special rapporteurs urge Israel to disclose 'what measures it took to review NSO export transactions in light of its own human rights obligations'

Report says Yosef Shapira was among a group of former officials who warned the Defense Ministry that without greater oversight of cyber firms, 'this will blow up in Israel's face'

Move comes as Gantz visits Paris, after reports emerge Macron, French parliamentarians were among those tracked with company's cyber surveillance technology

Aversion to arming human rights violators often trumped by political expediency; only new legislation can keep Israeli firms from selling wares to bad actors, activists say

Amid reports company's technology was used against activists and journalists, Defense Ministry says firm was only allowed to sell its products for fighting crime, terror

Attempts, which both involved technology underpinning loitering munitions, expose holes in Israel's defense export oversight mechanism

Lobbyists urge Defense Ministry to curb export of Cellebrite's technology to Lukashenko regime as long-time dictator cracks down on opposition

Arrests made in Ability defense contractor case after the firm's subsidiaries' licenses were suspended six months ago