Dozens depart in latest election's political culling -- from longest-serving lawmaker to some of the briefest, as well as 3 women of 3 faiths who each made history in their own way

Moshe Gafni to take over at helm of ultra-Orthodox party, with Litzman in second spot; Shas No. 2 Yitzhak Cohen to retire from politics

Gantz had refused to approve MK remaining full minister without approval of his own demands, including passage of budget and series of senior appointments

United Torah Judaism's spiritual leader had put kibosh on his return to government, but apparently relented after Shas replacement resigned last week

Shas MK says he wants to focus fully on his role as deputy minister in the Treasury; reports suggest he was unhappy with arrangement effectively making him Litzman's deputy

Deal that would see UTJ head come back as deputy housing minister reportedly now off the table

Deal would see top ultra-Orthodox MK become deputy housing minister, Shas Deputy Finance Minister Yitzhak Cohen promoted to be his boss in name only

Appointees announced after Bitan, Cohen withdraw names from consideration following delays as top court questions the transition government's authority to fill cabinet posts

Yitzhak Cohen says he doesn't want to hurt chances of current minister getting another cabinet post, after top court questioned transition government's authority to name ministers

Forced to yield his portfolios due to corruption indictment, PM appoints David Bitan agriculture minister; Likud's Hotovely and Shas's Cohen also given ministries
