March 7–9, 2025 – It was a weekend that people will be talking about for a long time. Over 800 strong came together from around the country for the 2025 Project Inspire Convention, and what they experienced was more than just inspiration — it was a powerful push to get involved.
With the theme “Unlock the Inspired YOU,” the convention reminded everyone that we all have something to give. It encouraged each person not only to grow in their own Yiddishkeit, but to take the next step: to raise their hand and join the mission. The goal wasn’t just about reaching out to less affiliated Jews — it was about getting involved in the many initiatives Project Inspire has built to make that outreach possible.

Get smart with Smarty and check out our Pesach In A Box packages! 
Stop trying to fit disposable products into your suitcases, and don’t worry about calculating exactly how many napkins and cups you need. When you buy direct, you can save up to 50% on all your disposable products by ordering at wholesale prices, and have it delivered wherever you are for Pesach!

Imagine retaining every word, every nuance, every insight from your Limud HaTorah. What if you could truly keep the Torah you learn? Would you do it?With Zichru, this isn’t a dream – it’s reality. Join Zichru for Masechta Makkos and experience a revolutionary approach to learning. We’re tackling 23 blatt in 23 days, making the complex accessible and, more importantly, memorable. Zichru provides the tools and techniques to solidify your understanding and ensure that the Torah you Learn, is the Torah you Keep. Forget the frustration of forgetting. Zichru empowers you to remember what you learn, transforming your Limud HaTorah into a lasting acquisition. This isn’t just about completing Makkos; it’s about internalizing it, making it a part of you. Feel the bren of knowing it cold!

March 7–9, 2025 – It was a weekend that people will be talking about for a long time. Over 800 strong came together from around the country for the 2025 Project Inspire Convention, and what they experienced was more than just inspiration — it was a powerful push to get involved. With the theme “Unlock the Inspired YOU,” the convention reminded everyone that we all have something to give. It encouraged each person not only to grow in their own Yiddishkeit, but to take the next step: to raise their hand and join the mission. The goal wasn’t just about reaching out to less affiliated Jews — it was about getting involved in the many initiatives Project Inspire has built to make that outreach possible.

“Telling your wife your needs and wants” is a complete waste of time for married men who want happiness and I’ll tell you why. So many marriage experts claim they have the secret to a happy marriage and that it all comes down to communication, boundaries and bringing in more money. They tell you to help out more at home, talk about the past, go together to a marriage professional but never stop to take inventory of whether ANY of these methods are actually WORKING in creating happiness and joy! I am not saying those strategies don’t work at all, but they are the long… slow… painful way of having a happy home.

A love of science and a strong desire to help others made a career in medicine an obvious choice for Dovid Schoenberg, a Touro University School of Health Sciences grad. “Once I discovered that physician assistant (PA) was a career option, I knew it was for me. As a former EMT, I wanted to start working right away as a provider and becoming a PA was the best way to advance my career and get in the workforce as quickly as possible!” he explains. It was important for Dovid to study in a place that would respect his Jewish values and Touro became his top choice for undergrad and grad school. “Touro had great science professors, which was important to me as a pre-PA student. I also liked that Touro had small classes where I could readily form a bond with my professors.

Rabbi Eliyahu Fink of Monsey was tragically killed in a car accident on Thursday. 

Rabbi Eliyahu Fink of Monsey was tragically killed in a car accident on Thursday. The post Rabbi killed in terrible car accident first appeared on Matzav.com.

Get smart with Smarty and check out our Pesach In A Box packages!  Stop trying to fit disposable products into your suitcases, and don’t worry about calculating exactly how many napkins and cups you need. When you buy direct, you can save up to 50% on all your disposable products by ordering at wholesale prices, and have it delivered wherever you are for Pesach! Check out the massive selection HERE, or take a look at the brilliant Pesach In A Box package HERE. Make Pesach incredibly easy and beautiful this year, with Smarty Had A Party!  USE CODE PESACH20 FOR 20% off.

Are you a healthcare professional looking to expand your network, learn about the latest industry trends, and connect with the right people? Then Axon, hosted by BINA, is the event for you! Join us on March 27, 2025, from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM at Bell Works in Holmdel, NJ, for an evening of valuable connections and insightful discussions. Why Attend Axon? Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow healthcare professionals, potential partners, and industry leaders. Industry Insights: Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and innovations in the healthcare sector. Event Details: Date: March 27, 2025 Time: 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM Location: Bell Works, Holmdel, NJ Host: BINA Registration and Sponsorship:Secure your spot at Axon today!
