Hezbollah-linked outlet says Abdullah Miniato has withdrawn from world youth martial arts championship in Bulgaria because he refuses to recognize Israel

Raz Hershko, Tahani Alqahtani shake hands following fight; 2016 bronze medalist Or Sasson defeated in early stages

In first Palestinian response, Ramallah's foreign ministry applauds ice cream company for boycotting ‘illegal, immoral, imperial’ settlements

PM says decision to freeze ice cream sales is 'clearly anti-Israeli,' has serious implications; envoy to US urges 35 state governors to act against 'antisemitic practices'

Letter accuses Jerusalem of operating 'a settler-colonial project committed to the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population'

200 attend protest in Jaffa; in Gaza, Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups condemn and threaten French president

Social media giant reports profit nearly doubled, despite high-profile campaign meant to get company to remove toxic posts; ADL head says it's about the message, not the money

Having learned from deep partisan rift over incidents of Jew-hatred in the Labour Party, British Jewry across the political, religious spectrum protest online hate speech together

Legislation 'protects American companies from being forced to provide information to international organizations that peddle BDS,' Jewish Republican sponsor says

Move comes amid fury over Tehran's influence in its economy, with exports from Iran to Iraq 10 times those moving in opposite direction
