Ameer Asad receives double walkover but laments boycott; Israeli federation slams 'ugly' and 'unsportsmanlike' act

In election manifesto, Boris Johnson's party says it will stop public bodies from imposing their own 'disinvestment or sanctions campaigns against foreign countries'

Democratic congresswomen would be denied entry under 2017 boycott law, but Netanyahu can decide to waive the rule

Democrat's initiative, which affirms 1st amendment right of Americans to boycott, comes as her party's leadership seeks to introduce measure condemning pro-Palestinian movement

At BDS conference, president also warns against right-wing anti-Semitism 'from those who claim to admire Israel;' US anti-Semitism czar says the answer to BDS is 'not censorship'

Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington asks municipality to reconsider taxpayer-funded movie screening in Takoma Park

Samaria Regional Council chief appeals to finance, transportation ministers to deny application from fast-food giant because it won't open in West Bank

Ohad Naharin of the Batsheva Dance Company would favor a boycott of his own performances if it would help Palestinians

Netta Barzilai says she would perform for Palestinians if invited, but steers clear of politics

Rabbis and rabbinical students say backing congressional efforts against Israel boycotters 'undermine[s] a legitimate non-violent Palestinian-led movement'
