Elan Carr calls on former boss to take stand against antisemite, while Jewish human rights group says dinner akin to president meeting with the KKK

Former Trump official says policy introduced after Trump lost election faced pushback over free speech concerns, State Department did not have time to get ball rolling

Rabat inks agreement with US envoy to combat anti-Semitism, following signing of normalization deal with Israel

Agreement signed by King Hamad Global Centre for Peaceful Coexistence confirms cooperation with State Department on tackling anti-Semitism and delegitimization of Israel

Anti-Semitism watchdog says designation of 3 organizations would be 'neither accurate nor helpful' in combatting Jew hatred

Expected State Department report would target groups like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Oxfam for alleged BDS support and end US aid for their activities

Elan Carr tells Israeli paper it is up to Jerusalem whether it wants to move forward with extending sovereignty over parts of West Bank

Elan Carr says Washington will work with allies on 'developing and driving Philo-Semitic narratives for their country'

Elan Carr says 'you don’t dismiss hate crime charges for issues like the consumption of marijuana' -- referring to Sarah Halimi's killer, who wasn't held legally responsible

Elon Carr tells religious freedom commission that Facebook, Twitter can shut down anti-Semitic content by enforcing their own terms of use
