UK's Jewish News reports leader of Church of England says unless there is an 'apartheid constitution' he 'won’t use that word about Israel'

Stephen Sizer wrote thesis and several books opposing Christian Zionism, spoke at 2008 conference alongside Holocaust denier; ban includes time served

Disciplinary tribunal formed after Jewish umbrella group highlights series of alleged antisemitic acts by Stephen Sizer, who also met with a Hezbollah leader

Special service, attended by UK chief rabbi, marks anniversary of Synod of Oxford, aims to inspire Christians to reject contemporary antisemitism, archbishop of Canterbury says

British Jewish leader says planned apology for antisemitic Synod of Oxford laws, which predated Church of England's creation by centuries, is 'better late than never'

Church official says pamphlet issued for Maundy Thursday, which instructed readers to say a Hebrew prayer, was 'not intended to be a Christianized seder'

In thinly veiled criticism of UK opposition party, archbishop of Canterbury says many British Jews feel 'deep sense of insecurity and fear' by prospect of Corbyn as next PM

Work acknowledges 'fertile seed-bed for murderous anti-Semitism in the modern era'; in afterword to 105-page document, chief rabbi slams evangelical attempts to convert Jews