Party's rules for whittling down the field have drawn complaints that they are arbitrary and force candidates to pour money into expensive online fundraising

Trump tweets that he's glad Democrats never found out she was the one he was afraid of; she failed to qualify for next debate in Houston

Talk show host and former Illinois lawmaker calls US president 'nuts, erratic, cruel'

Democratic presidential candidate says Jewish values of 'tzedakah' and 'chesed' lacking in US president

Ultimate aim of controversial comments appears to be dividing Democrats, peeling off Jewish support and shoring up his white evangelical Christian base

Who exactly is Wayne Allyn Root and why are he and the US president so fond of each other?

Israeli leader refrains from commenting on US president's remarks about Jewish Democrat voters, which many have criticized as anti-Semitic stereotyping

President says he is 'very happy' with his vice president ahead of next year's campaign to be reelected for a second term

Strategists say Massachusetts senator's ground-level organization is fueling her momentum and 'her campaign is hot'

After three lethal mass shootings in less than a week, some take more precautions while others remain defiant
