Left-wing US Jewish group hires six full-time fellows to live in New Hampshire and publicly confront candidates during their events

Donors want to keep US presidential candidate in the Democratic debates because they're amused by her 'harness love' strategy for defeating Trump

Harris talks of being bused to school during exchange with Biden over his record of praise for segregationist senators and his opposition to bussing as means of desegregation

At Democratic debate, presidential hopefuls square off on healthcare, how far to move left in 2020 race against Trump

'If I have an opportunity to leverage a better deal, then I’m going to do it,' says New Jersey senator, who voted in favor of the pact in 2015

First 10 candidates take the stage for a debate that focuses on health care and immigration; no one openly stumbles and no ugly attacks

Ahead of debates, Florida congresswoman and former DNC chair says she's not worried about an acrimonious nomination fight that could divide the party

Former naval admiral, a candidate for Senate in 2010, was one of the first democrats to endorse J Street, favoring pressure on Jewish state to bring about two-state solution

Former VP and presidential hopeful says it 'sadly ironic' that State Department 'now calling on Iran to abide by the very deal the administration abandoned'

While most presidential hopefuls tell NYT their maiden international trip would be where relations have soured under Trump, Kirsten Gillibrand wants to head to Mideast
