Speaking at fifth Democratic debate in LA, the Vermont senator and presidential hopeful says Washington should 'level the paying field' in Mideast

Democrats and Republicans 'remain at an impasse' over terms of Senate trial of President Trump, set to start in January

While Democratic presidential candidate says the US president 'violated public trust,' she also criticized the 'partisan process' against him

Speaking at rally as House voted, US president slams opponents: 'You are the ones interfering in America's elections. You are the ones subverting American democracy'

Trump will be first US president to run for reelection after being impeached and a win is only way to salvage his reputation

Federal Election Commission grants ex-NY mayor and presidential hopeful February 4 extension following request for more time to 'collect information regarding complex holdings'

Former employees accuse him of repeated disparaging remarks against women that fostered 'frat-like' culture in his company

After British PM crushes his left-wing rivals, US president indicates he sees parallels in political landscape on both sides of the Atlantic

Medical report notes ex-NY mayor, one of four septuagenarian Democratic hopefuls, is receiving treatment for several conditions

Democrats warn president acting like a dictator; Republicans argue they have no case and are just looking for an excuse to try remove the president,
