Senator gives interview to NYT ahead of paper’s endorsement of a Democratic candidate; says he believes in God, freedom of religion; Catholic wife advises him on spiritual matters
Rose, a Jewish army veteran, is one of at least nine Democrats with national security backgrounds who flipped seats from Republican to Democratic in the 2018 presidential election
Vermont senator denies making remark in a private meeting between the two in 2018, as tensions increase between the two progressive candidates ahead of Iowa vote
Democratic candidate had called for a revival of civic grace, saying moral clarity was necessary in trying times, but his campaign never caught fire and struggled with fundraising
This blue-collar corner of southeast Michigan has buried more soldiers than most other places in the US. Here, matters of war and peace are deeply personal, and political
At first campaign rally of 2020, President alleges that Iranian general was planning attacks against US embassies outside of Baghdad, mocks Democrats for wanting to be briefed
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