Despite 97% of precincts reporting, AP still can't declare a winner with Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders nearly tied

As much of the political world shifts attention to New Hampshire, 2 men separated by 40 years in age and conflicting ideology battle it out in contest marred by reporting delays

US president cleared of both abuse of power and obstruction of Congress; Mitt Romney the sole Republican to break ranks and vote for conviction

US president expected to be exonerated of abuse of power charge and obstruction of Congress charges in party-line vote

Despite recent spike in anti-Semitic events, US president fails to mention anti-Jewish hate during annual address

Warren, Biden, Klobuchar trail frontrunners as 62% of state precincts report votes, after day of chaos caused by technical issues at Democratic contest

Donald Trump Jr. responds to Jewish demonstrator by saying he doesn't 'think anyone’s done more for Israel and American Jews' than his father

Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Troy Price says delays are not the result of a breach and party systems are secure

As Democratic party suffers technical problems with results of first primary vote, Bernie campaign publishes its own unofficial tally, with Buttigieg 2nd, Biden 3rd and Warren 4th

App to report results called 'a mess,' forcing precinct leaders to phone in results to state party headquarters, which was too busy to answer their calls in some cases
