800 came to hear Democrat candidates' message in Florida, with many wanting him to focus on economic plans; wins cheers for attacking Trump's equivocations on white supremacists

Four-minute spot includes Democratic primary candidate speaking about Jewish pride and outreach director accusing president of being a white nationalist

With less than two weeks to first nominating contest in Iowa, congressional backings are beginning to trickle in

Former New York mayor now running for US president says that although 2015 pact was 'not perfect,' the US was obligated to keep its word once it had signed

The Vermont senator 'got nothing done' in Congress, Clinton charges, accusing the Sanders campaign of tolerating a 'culture' of sexism among its supporters

Newspaper says it chose the two most effective candidates from the moderate and progressive sides of the party, without stating a preference for either approach

Asked about ongoing feud with Democratic rival, Vermont Senator says no candidate is perfect but voters should look at total package

Senator speaks at New Hampshire Women's March, releases spot focused on protecting women's rights, after accused of sexism in spat with Democratic rival

Two Democratic presidential candidates clash over Massachusetts senator's claim that her Vermont counterpart told her a woman can't win presidency

Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar say president inflamed conflict by pulling out of nuclear deal, Sanders accuses leader of lying about planned Soleimani attack
