A quarter of respondents to AJC poll say they'd been directly targeted with antisemitic expressions, either in person or on social media, while 3% reported physical attacks

Ex-felon convicted of possession of semi-automatic pistol later used by Malik Faisal Akram in January to hold rabbi and 3 others hostage at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville

'Rising Hate: Antisemitism in America' will air this weekend will tour through some of low points in recent American Jewish history, offer analysis of ongoing spike in incidents

Henry Dwight Williams faces up to 10 years in federal prison over sale of gun to Malik Faisal Akram, who took rabbi and three others hostage before being fatally shot by FBI

Congregation Beth Israel Colleyville underwent repairs and renovations in three months since a gunman held rabbi and three congregants at gunpoint before being shot dead by FBI

'The Cup and the Chair' from the synagogue hostage-taking in Colleyville will be part of a new exhibit on modern-day antisemitism in America

With Republicans lacking votes to block Holocaust historian's appointment, none of them raise objection to Democrat's request to confirm it by unanimous consent

Charlie Cytron-Walker says decision still haunts him during testimony before US House panel, revealing dread over need to take steps that might make synagogues less inviting

Sens. Rubio and Johnson raise old tweet by Deborah Lipstadt calling out Republicans for bigotry; Holocaust scholar insists she speaks out against both sides of the aisle

Nomination had been delayed due to historian's sharp criticisms of Republicans, despite appeals from Jewish community groups in wake of Colleyville synagogue attack
