Millions of extra shekels of state funds have been put into parties' coffers to allow them pitch voters for third time in a year. And most have been saving up

Edelstein caught between his own party's ire, the demands of the law and opposition's threat of ouster; 'Now we won't support him for president,' vows one Likud official

Aryeh Deri says bloc will work together head of new election, but predicts band of right-wing and religious parties may not last if it fails to clinch a majority this time around

MKs approve millions more to state funds given to each faction as lawmakers prepare to pitch voters for third time in under a year

Short-lived 22nd Knesset automatically disperses at midnight, new election season kicks off, as political turmoil continues to engulf country

Lawmakers green-light proposal setting date for national vote, the third in 11 months; final votes expected by midnight

'We will have to change our priorities,' Netanyahu tells Jewish Agency leadership; also vows to increase Diaspora Affairs ministry's budget to fight anti-Semitism

After firing Bennett in June, PM assumes new position as Jewish Agency board convenes in Jerusalem and tensions linger over pluralistic prayer at Western Wall

Hours after Likud floats the idea of a primary, and Netanyahu's main rival hints at a challenge, the contest is suddenly off. So who is scared of whom?

Prime minister does not mention possibly party leadership contest or Lapid unity offer in speech to newly sworn-in Knesset
