New York Times reports alleged plotter Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, four others to go on trial in 2021, almost two decades after the Al-Qaeda attack; will face death penalty

Local police chief urges residents to' stand up to hate,' but not investigating as fliers are protected by the First Amendment

After El Paso, officials say there is a need to build a system to track hate from scratch and give law enforcement same tools used to combat international terror

Bill passes Congress on bipartisan basis after some delays; $7.4 billion in compensation had rapidly been diminishing, and administrators recently cut benefit payments by up to 70%

Islamabad admits it knew terror chief's location prior to his killing in 2011 raid by US forces, which caused ties between two nations to plummet

Journalist who has blamed US elites for 9/11 and said Israel benefited from the attacks likely to be appointed to influential media oversight post

PMs son gives interview on Blaze TV channel, says President Trump is seen as 'rock star' in Jewish state, will be remembered for thousands of years

The comedian, a long-time advocate of the first responders, slams 'shameful' lawmakers for not bothering to attend hearing, chokes up as he recounts fate of survivors

A biographer of Winston Churchill, the Hungarian-born scholar lamented the erosion of 'civilization and culture of the past 500 years, European and Western'

Effort to clamp down on conspiracy theories backfires as it attaches background information about the Sept. 11 terror attacks in New York to livestream videos of the cathedral fire
