Study shows that corals in dark zones of sea that must supplement food obtained by photosynthesis use fluorescence to lure small creatures such as plankton into their mouths

Ben-Gurion University student produces prototype insulation material with negative carbon footprint out of fungal threads and rapeseed straw

Analysis of charcoal from Tel Tsaf dig reveals olive and fig tree wood, which don't grow naturally in area, indicating first examples of orchards by an advanced, wealthy society

Behavioral flexibility, thanks to large brain-to-body ratio, gave species evolutionary advantage in face of climate change and human hunters

TAU researchers suggest morphological changes enable birds to shed more heat; but they worry that as planet continues to warm, birds may run out of coping mechanisms

Academics, curators and other types of historians studying everything from museum storage to environmental history win $300,000 from Tel Aviv-based foundation

Process, tracked by sensors attached to animals, includes dropping pups off at 'nursery' trees while mother forages for food

Multidisciplinary projects, including research on cancers, Crohn's, and rare diseases, get NIS 32 million ($9.9m) in grants from Israel Precision Medicine Partnership initiative

Internal research by social media giant has been swept under the rug, while experts have for years been documenting how the photo-sharing site damages body image and self-esteem

Institution previously required researchers to let museum staffers review their work before publication and to adopt any proposed text changes
