Dan Ariely insists his actions were innocent, defends other controversial actions, believes his reputation will recover

Tel Aviv University research shows human pressure is hurting marine wildlife living close to edges of such regions; in Israel, protected zones are showing positive signs

Scientific expedition to boost conservation efforts was to see collaboration with Sudan; but mission will now wait another year after boat hit a reef passing the Straits of Tiran

Maoz Fine says the ship carrying him and other scientists is still stranded on a reef, with possible extensive damage to equipment, but he's already making plans to dive off Sudan

Fleur de Passion, which left Eilat on Tuesday, hit a reef early Wednesday, forcing Egyptian navy to evacuate scientists and crew to Sharm el-Sheikh

Multi-national mission will spend four summers in unprecedented project to assess health of Red Sea's threatened reefs, all on a boat originally built by the Nazis to lay mines

BARD R&D fund also sets investment priorities for next 5 years including food safety; plant, animal protection tech

Aiming to foster peace, build common future around tech, parties aim to address age-old regional challenge of water scarcity

Hebrew University researchers implant gene with fluorescent protein that changes color according to levels of stress indicated by quantity of potentially harmful free radicals

Software and services company will work with Israeli researchers to boost advanced manufacturing tech
