Fine particulate air pollution affecting life expectancy rates more than smoking or alcohol; South Asia worst-impacted region, but study finds great improvement in China
Annual state comptroller report slams agriculture and health ministries for failing to control pesticides, pillories Environment Ministry for not tackling environmental damage
Israel’s biggest oil refinery and subsidiaries, fined nearly NIS 7.3 million for offenses over last 5 years, is now accused of 15 air pollution events at 10 facilities in 2017
Unlike most power plants, generators are often inside neighborhoods, pumping toxins directly to residents; reliance on them stems from state failure due to war or mismanagement
Environmental Protection Minister Tamar Zandberg lauds overall trend in reducing emissions, though suspected carcinogens increased by 1.5%; electric company biggest culprit
Indictment alleges that Carmel Olefins failed to properly use flare to burn gases, pumping nearly 100 tons of carbon monoxide, ethane, methane, ethylene and propane into the air
Justices say Clean Air Act doesn't give Environmental Protection Agency broad authority to regulate power plants that contribute to global warming, decision belongs to Congress
Proposals include expanding right of businesses to appeal; advocacy group urges, 'Don't let bureaucratic simplification water down environmental demands'
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