Hailed as a 'huge milestone' in physics, research involving Israeli scientist confirms prediction made by Einstein's theory of relativity

A cornerstone is laid for Einstein House, a Daniel Libeskind-designed building to house theoretical physicist's items and files

Scottish character actor Tom Conti plays Jewish scientist who urged wartime US president Roosevelt to speed up development of nuclear weapons

Famous physicist spent six months in coastal resort of De Haan, walking the promenade, enjoying a morning coffee and playing violin with the queen, despite a Nazi price on his head

Physicist bequeathed his archives to the Hebrew University, and curator Roni Grosz says its 85,000 items make it the world's most extensive collection

Upon his death, the famous physicist bequeathed his writings and archive to the Hebrew University; these are now expected to go on display

Rodolfo Hernandez, one of two nominees in runoff election, has won an unlikely following with a self-funded social media campaign despite history of off-color remarks

Instrument belonged to virtuoso Toscha Seidel, who played it in 'Wizard of Oz'; he and Einstein participated in 1933 concert to support fleeing German Jewish scientists

'There are diseases that cannot be overcome without surgery. I cannot deny this even though I abhor the knife,' the physicist wrote in 1936

In 1928 letter, written by Einstein shortly after receiving the Nobel Prize, he replies to a question posed by Arthur L. Cohen about the physics of motion
