Team of historians and academics rejected allegations that prominent Jewish notary Arnold van den Bergh revealed Frank family's hideout, calling findings 'a shaky house of cards'

Letters from Frank sisters are the cornerstone of Danville Station, a unique off-the-beaten-path museum in a town of 1,000 and no Jewish community

Police find the effigy in a squatter shantytown near the Argentine capital; local Jewish leaders say robbery not motivated by antisemitism

So-called 'bronze mafia' has carried out multiple robberies in Buenos Aires over recent years; watchdog says it doesn't believe antisemitism was motive

Former FBI agent Vince Pankoke suggests intense criticism of findings may be motivated by the book's controversial conclusion that a Jew was responsible for handing in family

Released last month and challenged by historians, 'The Betrayal of Anne Frank' claims a Jewish man turned Frank’s family in to the Nazis

'A Small Light' tells the story of Miep Gies, the young Dutch woman who sheltered Jewish refugees in Amsterdam

Ambo Anthos says it should have taken a more 'critical stance' before publishing book that said a Jewish notary betrayed Jewish diarist, in findings criticized by experts

For International Holocaust Day, writer Matt Lebovic breaks down a cold case workup of who turned in the famous diarist, plus an audio essay from senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says he's 'truly and deeply sorry' for saying at Washington event that people were more free under Hitler's regime than today
