Online petition has over 18,600 signatures in favor of replacing Lionel Groulx, a Catholic priest who supported fascism and hated Jews, with Canadian jazz legend Oscar Peterson

Harassment, most of it online, accounts for the largest number of incidents at 2,011, or 91.1%, up from 1,809 the previous year

Chevra Mishnayes in Winnipeg has been targeted by anti-Semitic vandalism in recent years, including having its mailbox set on fire

B'nai Brith Canada condemns Toronto's al-Meshwar newspaper for publishing article by Hamas member with false blood libel accusations

Though such stipulations, common throughout first half of 20th century, are no longer enforceable, there is still a court process to remove them from documents

Staff member at care center says person responsible was arrested, but police say they're not aware of case

Move comes after condemnation of original 'anti-Semitic' decision; non-Jewish member who also plans to attend Hillel-funded trip did not face same pressure

University body says it 'unintentionally caused harm towards the Jewish community' with reasoning for rejecting request; Hillel says 'anti-Semitic' nature of incident not addressed

Security footage shows 4 teens drawing chalk images near building in Hamilton; police hate crimes unit investigating

Liberal Party of Canada nixes Hassan Guillet after B’nai Brith unearths past statements suggesting Zionists control US politics
