James Alex Fields Jr., who plowed car into crowd protesting white nationalist rally, cites traumatic childhood and mental illness in letter asking that he not be locked up for life

Since Katharina Von Schnurbein became EU's first coordinator on combating anti-Semitism, news on racism has ballooned. This, she says, may be a sign her efforts are paying off

NFL team owner and philanthropist accepts Genesis Prize in Jerusalem, laments 'disconcerting times' for Israel in announcing new initiative

Debating union hosts Mahathir Mohamad who says he has Jewish friends, but they 'are not like other Jews;' Jewish group calls audience response 'chilling'

'Jews Away' found written in ruins after bulldozer flattens building where artist built memorial to 1942 massacre; property dispute may be cause, according to reports

Amid sharp uptick in anti-Jewish incidents worldwide, first-ever conference for government coordinators attended by over a dozen countries

Ross Anthony Farca says in chatroom he would live-stream his massacre of 'subhuman' Jews, carry out attack while dressed in Nazi uniform

Randy Halprin was convicted in murder of a police officer; claims judge harbors 'deep-seated animus towards and prejudices about non-white, non-Christian people'

Jean Plantu of Le Monde defends caricature widely regarded as anti-Semitic, says canceling cartoons is like 'asking children not to do drawings for Mothers' Day'

Editor says paper had planned for a year to cease running caricatures, but cartoonist says decision directly related to Netanyahu image
