County votes to censure Jim Lammey for posting anti-Semitic and racist articles; judge denies associating himself with Holocaust denier

Actor known for a drunken anti-Semitic rant will star in film with name targeted by anti-Semitic conspiracy theories

JTA editor takes a closer look at the controversial comments made by Michigan Democrat on the role of Palestinians in the fate of Jews after WWII

Assault in Helsingborg shines light on southern Sweden, where anti-Semitic incidents outpace other regions despite relatively small number of Jews

US attorney says prosecutors still deciding whether to seek death penalty against John Earnest for deadly attack on San Diego-area Chabad

President ignores calls from lawmakers of both parties to call out right-wing leader as anti-Semitic and anti-democratic

Suspect tells restaurant owners he would 'expose' them after asking if they were Jewish; vows to to 'make sure you can’t overpopulate'

In one incident, suspect hits young Jewish man on head and fled; in another assailant punches victim in head, allegedly yelling 'fucking Jew'

Notorious anti-Semite makes remark after being banned from Facebook for extremist rhetoric, says people shouldn't be angry with him if 'I stand on on God's word'

Edith Eger refuses to let the horrors she experienced at Auschwitz define her, says she hopes to help lead others 'from darkness to light, from victimization to empowerment'
