Lazer Berman on holiday greetings to Palestinian Authority, diplomatic ruckus with Russia & Ukraine; Carrie Keller-Lynn on clues from Netanyahu interview, administrative detention

Tech Israel editor Ricky Ben David speaks about two troubling new reports; diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman updates us on the Ukraine war and Lebanon's recent elections

Jewish-Ukrainian oligarch Pavel Fuks, accused of paying locals to daub swastikas in Kahriv and Kyiv, quoted saying 'he had no choice' after the Russian agents approached him

Stepan Bandera led Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which fought alongside Nazi Germany during WWII, killing thousands of Jews and Poles

'In the Midst of Civilized Europe' by Jeffrey Veidlinger revisits the brutal violence in 1918-1921 that portended a genocide of Europe's Jews, and was soon overshadowed by it

Arrests made in only one of the attacks; Ukrainian ultra-nationalists have targeted Hanukkah menorahs in the past

Marking 80 years since infamous Nazi killing of nearly 34,000 Jews, Israeli president says countries have obligation to speak out against present-day antisemitism

Case against Herbert Waller, 99, has previously been dropped because he was at Ukrainian killing site as medic; lawyer isn’t buying it: 'Why do you need paramedics in a massacre?'

State Dept. spokesman says world must 'counter the kind of hatred that led to the Holocaust'; Israeli envoy: 'It is our responsibility to remember'

Legislation, which passed with majority of 283 lawmakers out of 450, is unusual in that it also proscribes antisemitic sentiment as illegal
