In meeting on violence in the community, minister says authorities will devote resources to focus on organized crime; Arab leaders seek 'wide-ranging' plan to eradicate killings
Demonstrators calling for government action to curb violence in their communities, cause heavy traffic on main highways and hold event in front of Netanyahu's office
After 71 deaths so far in 2019, community heads and police blame each other. Says relative of victim: There's no supervision' from the family, the local council, or the government
Joint List leaders to meet public security minister and demand prison sentences and heavy fines for possession of illegal firearms, crackdown on organized crime
Netanyahu calls on minority to cooperate with law enforcement amid protests over police inaction; Joint List leaders blame premier for failure to stem crime
While political leaders blame each other for failure to rein in deadly violence in Arab Israeli towns, law enforcement call for more manpower, harsher prosecution
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