Congregation Beth Israel holds Shabbat services at building for first time since it was damaged in 2021 attack

Franklin Barrett Sechriest faces up to 20 years in prison for attack on Austin house of worship; Congregation Beth Israel’s board approves plea deal

No device found at Austin Jewish Academy or Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy; Philadelphia Jewish community official says doesn't believe Bryn Mawr school targeted for being Jewish

Local rabbi says menorah lighting in that spot was deliberate symbol of Jewish pride in face of antisemitism; 'We will transform these sites to places of light'

FBI charges Franklin Barrett Sechriest, 18, with October vandalism; diary entries on day of incident include 'Scout out a target' and 'I set a synagogue on fire'

Blaze destroyed carved wood doors of Austin's Congregation Beth Israel, damaged the building’s stained glass windows and sanctuary

No injuries reported; incident comes a week after banners emblazoned with the words 'Vax the Jews' were hung by a neo-Nazi group nearby

Intel Ignite is the US tech firm's startup growth program set up last year in Tel Aviv; program will be extended to other cities in Europe, North America and Asia as well

Mother says Garrett Foster was pushing his fiancee's wheelchair when he was shot three times after suspect drove 'erratically' through protesters in Austin