Blue and White party has made no commitments yet to predominantly Arab alliance, which makes its recommendation to President Rivlin at 6:30 p.m. Sunday

Deals that removed parties from playing field ended up being worth far less than sum of their parts; Blue and White said planning interview blitz to cast party as vote winner

The weakened Likud leader is growing pessimistic about his legal troubles, with good reason: The electorate dashed his hopes of immunity

Party wants to replace Likud nominee with Meir Cohen to increase chances of successful legislation of policies if Gantz becomes prime minister

Yisrael Beytenu chief says won't speak to Blue and White leader or Netanyahu ahead of Rivlin meeting; jokes Odeh should send PM flowers as thanks for increase in Joint List seats

All votes have been counted except for 14 polling stations where there were reports of suspicious activity on election day; officials caution results could still change

Ahead of Rivlin consultations, factions signal eagerness to reach across traditional fault lines; ultra-Orthodox may be willing to work with secularist Lapid

Blue and White leaders dismiss rightist 'bloc' announced Wednesday by Likud, call for 'liberal unity government'

Yisrael Beytenu leader blasts Netanyahu 'deception' in conditioning unity government on inclusion of religious parties; as potential kingmaker, his support could be crucial

PM calls on Blue and White to negotiate 'without preconditions' -- immediately after he signed an agreement that would make that impossible
