Roads in leading ultra-Orthodox rabbi's Bnei Brak hometown closed, as are main highways; fears that massive crowd could lead to disaster; helicopter rescue on standby; schools shut

Major roads to be blocked, with hundreds of thousands expected at rabbi's burial in Bnei Brak; event could be biggest funeral in country's history; police: Stay at home if possible

Kanievsky, a hugely influential leader of the non-Hasidic Lithuanian Haredi community, with hundreds of thousands of followers, collapsed at his home earlier

Medics evacuate three lightly and two moderately hurt men in their 20s to local hospitals

True crime film about Shimon Hayut, who posed as son of Russian-Israeli diamond tycoon and conned Scandinavian women, arrives on streaming platform

Bnei Brak mayor says city 'going on the offensive' to get shots into people's arms; officials deploying mobile vaccination units to Haredi areas while fighting misinformation

Worshipers find Rabbi Aharon Yehudah Leib Steinman's gravestone in Bnei Brak damaged ahead of the 4th anniversary of his death; officials condemn 'heinous' vandalism

Nine families put up in local hotel after cracks appear on walls; last month, Holon building was evacuated a day before it crumbled

At IDF operated center in Bnei Brak, those who sign up for injection are automatically recorded with HMOs as vaccinated, even if they don't stay for the shot, TV reports

Yael Gavrielov was sentenced to 4 years on the charges of rape, sodomy, and indecent acts toward 11-and-15-year-old girls in 2018
