Rachel Pisam of Bnei Brak, appointed head of manpower department, says she doesn't know 'if it would have been possible a decade ago'

New HOT reality series 'Bnot Brak' debuts Sunday, spotlighting the lives of five ultra-Orthodox women who embrace social media and are eager to show the diversity of Haredi life

Ahmad Rashdan hit Yitzhak Dahan over the head on footbridge near Bnei Brak; prosecutors say assault was premeditated and that motive was nationalist

West Bank resident allegedly attacked man walking to morning prayers earlier this month, leaving him with head injuries

Plan aims to train thousands of ultra-Orthodox ex-soldiers, supply them with equipment for emergency response in areas with few licensed weapon holders; pilot planned for Jerusalem

Our regular behind-the-scenes look at properties purchased nationwide

Yitzhak Dahan, 47, says assailant passed him on pedestrian bridge outside city, assaulted him from behind with metal object

47-year-old tells medics he was attacked while crossing highway between ultra-Orthodox city and Givat Shmuel; police launch manhunt

'Concentrated dispersion' - the development of existing residential areas and less urban sprawl - adopted as way forward for building across Israel

Amir Khoury, 32, the last member of Israel's security forces killed before Memorial Day, remembered by family, fiancee and others for giving own life to save others from terrorist
