Palestinians find map dropped by forces in Jenin, with roads named after Qatar quarterfinalists

Law enforcement officials say some 40 Palestinians rioted near Rachel's Tomb on outskirts of Jerusalem

Former Border Police officer Gal Shmuel Farjun says he left the bullets in his bag by accident; Foreign Ministry had hoped he'd only be deported rather than imprisoned

Incoming national security minister is seeking to take over unit charged with riot control, arrests and manning checkpoints throughout West Bank

Gadi Eisenkot says Netanyahu undermining public’s faith in IDF and chain of command by transferring control of West Bank security forces from army to far-right ministers

Report largely based on survey of servicewomen; State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman says pimping scandal at Gilboa Prison appears to be 'tip of the iceberg'

Police say Abdullah Loubani, detained in village near Jenin, was in contact with members of Gaza Strip-based terror group, PIJ

Military launches manhunt for suspects in latest attack against Shaked, some 10 kilometers west of Jenin in northern West Bank

IDF chief to honor Golani recon battalion, Yamam for 'achievements' against terror group members; Duvdevan, undercover Border Police unit to receive 2nd-highest military citation

Prominent operative wounded in Israeli operation against terror group leader surrenders to Palestinian security services for protection
