Two cops injured; car with Jewish family forced to flee after coming under attack; footage shows hail of fireworks and police car surrounded by flames amid ongoing unrest

Border Police respond to riot in al-Eizariya and Abu Dis after Palestinians damage section of West Bank barrier; authorities say Fayez Damdum, 18, tried to attack forces

Authorities say masked individuals throw Molotov cocktails, rocks at law enforcement officers; 14 suspects arrested for causing disturbances in Old City earlier in the day

Salem base is adjacent to a checkpoint shuttered after last week's deadly shooting near Palestinian village of Jalamah; manhunt launched for gunmen

Nabeel Sawalhi and Nihad Owais suspected of weekend shooting attack on settlement's security vehicle; police launch small missiles at building during exchange of fire

Military vehicle damaged when troops come under fire in Tubas; cache of gun parts found in town near Jerusalem; no injuries reported

Three Palestinian suspects arrested, illegal weapons seized, in operation that followed arrest of prominent dealer in northern West Bank several months ago

Border Police officers sought to search Muhammad Shaham's East Jerusalem home in Kafr 'Aqab for illegally held weapons

Forces seize numerous illegal weapons and thousands of shekels suspected of being intended for terrorist activity; Palestinian reported hit by IDF fire in clashes

Forces respond with live fire to violence in town of Abu Dis, as officer is injured by rock thrown at his hand
