YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira HaRav Yaakov Yitzchok Eichorn ZT”L. He was 98. He was a close Talmid of Hagaon HaRav Shlomo Heiman ZT”L in Torah Vodaath, who was his Mesader Kiddushin. Known as the Poilishe Ilui & a Masmid, his Shiur notes were used in the publication of Chiddushei R’ Shloma. Rabbi Eichorn served as a Magid Shiur in Torah Vodaath for many years and was a beloved Rebbe to hundreds of Talmidim. Together with his Rebbetzin Feile Yocheved Z”L, they established a beautiful Torahdige family spanning 5 generations. יהי זכרו ברוך. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Hagaon HaRav Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron ZATZAL. he was 79 and was Niftar from COVID-19. In a short statement, Shaarei Tzedek Medical center says that Rav Bakshi-Doron had been hospitalized with the Coronavirus a few days ago, and his condition turned critical until his Petira on Sunday evening. The Niftar was born in Jerusalem to Ben-Zion Bakshi-Doron, an Iranian Jewish immigrant, and Tova, who immigrated from Aleppo, Syria. As a young man, he studied in several prominent yeshivas such as Yeshivat HaDarom, Chevron Yeshiva, and Kol Ya’akov. In 1970, Bakshi-Doron started his rabbinic career in the neighborhoods of Ramat Nasi and Ramat Yosef in the coastal city of Bat Yam.

We regret to inform you of the passing of Rav Binyomin Tzvi Wolmark Z”L. Rav Binyomin Tzvi was born in pre-war Lithuania where is father, Rav Yitzchok, served as Rav of the city of Yod. Rav Binyomin was a young boy when the situation in Europe began to deteriorate. As things intensified, Rav Yitzchok was advised by the Gedolim to rejoin the Mirrer Yeshiva, which had fled to Vilna. When the Yeshiva received transit visas to Japan, the Wolmarks were among those who made the perilous journey to the Far East and ultimately Shanghai, where they spent five and half years. Young Binyomin’s bar mitzah took place on one of the family’s first few shabbosos in China. Although just a teen, Binyomin spent his days with the Mirrer talmidim in the bais medrash.

The following is a list of Niftarim from the NY/NJ area over the first days of Pesach, complied by YWN. Although most of these people are victims of COVID-19, YWN has been unable to confirm that was the case in all. Unfortunately, there are many more who were Niftar (more than 30 names), but YWN does not have all the information, and we have only published the names we were given. If you have any info to add, please contact YWN with the info. FLATBUSH: Reb Eli Botknecht Z”L. He was around 60. The Niftar lived in Boro Park for many years before moving to Flatbush. He Davened for years at Dayan Brody’s Shul in Boro Park, and then by HaRav Lipa Geldwirth in Flatbush.

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Mr Stanley Chera Z”L, one of the most prominent members of the Sephardic Syrian communities in Brooklyn and Deal NJ. He was 78. The Niftar had been diagnosed with COVID-19 and hospitalized in critical condition at Cornell Hospital. He was Niftar on Shabbos. He was a close friend of President Trump, who talked about him all the time in speeches. Further information will be published when available. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes… (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Mazel Dalel, 53, a Beit Shemesh mother of 9 with no preexisting medical conditions passed away from the coronavirus on Shabbos. Dalel, a resident of the Kiryah HaChareidit in Beit Shemesh was hospitalized in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem after contracting the coronavirus. The hospital stated that “she was attached to a ventilator and sedated for over a week in serious condition. Her condition quickly deteriorated and she passed away on Shabbos. We share in the sorrow of the family.” The nifteres left behind her husband R’ Yoel Dalel and nine children. “It’s an unfathomable tragedy,” one of Dalel’s neighbors told Kikar H’Shabbos. “She left behind nine young orphans and her husband, one of the chashuve avreichim in the city, Rav Yoel.

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Yehuda Leib (“Leibel”) Groner, who was a secretary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZATZAL for over 40 years. He was 88. Rabbi Groner was by far one of the most influential and respected people in the entire Lubavitcher Chassidus around the globe. He was instrumental in caring for the Rebbe after his stroke, when the Rebbe was no longer able to communicate in regular ways. Rabbi Groner and his wife, Mrs. Yehudis (née Gurevitz), are the parents of three sons and four daughters, of whom, some are shluchim in the United States and Israel. Additional information to follow.

The Flatbush Community is reeling from the news of the petirah of Hagaon HaRav Nachum Cooper ZT”L from coronavirus yesterday, at age 58. As Rav Elya Brudny explained, Rav Nachum was “a towering gadol and a true gaon in the guise of a working person. His tzidkus, his yiras shamayim and his bekius were awe-inspiring.” Rav Yisroel Reisman, in whose Shul Rav Nachum delivered a popular Daf Yomi Shiur every night for many years, said that Rav Nachum “was one of the few true tzaddikim I was fortunate to know in my life.

The Passaic Jewish Community is in shock on Tuesday morning upon hearing of the Petira of Dr Elliott Samet Z”L. He was in his 60’s. Dr Samet has been one of the leading pediatricians for the Jewish community in Passaic for decades. Dr. Elliott Samet was a prominent board-certified pediatrician in the community, who was in practice for around 38 years. In addition to being an incredibly dedicated doctor, Dr Samet was a brilliant Talmid Chochom, and a tremendous Baal Tzedakah. His patients were always treated like his own children. So much so, that there was always a long line of kids and their parents at his house to show him and his wife their Purim costumes. He proudly hung all of the photos in his office. He was a founding Board Member of Passaic Hatzolah.

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Moshe Homnick Z”L. He was in his eighties. The Niftar was a Rov in Lakewood since moving there a few years ago. Prior to that, he lived in Flatbush, and gave Shiurim in Landau’s Shul, and was a well-respected figure in Chaim Berlin and Camp Morris, where he gave Shiurim in the summers for decades. As a Bochur, the Niftar learned in RJJ, Chaim Berlin, Yeshivas Chevron, Mir Yerushalayim, and under Hagaon HaRav Aharon Kotler in Lakewood’s BMG. In addition to being a brilliant talmid Chochom and Masmid, Rav Homnick was a therapist and marriage counselor for more than 40 years. Tragically, his wife Mrs Miriam Homnick A”H was Niftar just last week. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes… (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
